GIA COPPOLA is wearing the Salvo No.003. She is a filmmaker living in Los Angeles.
What is modern?
Gen Z.
What is your favorite representation of simplicity?
Agnes Martin.
What is your favorite representation of complexity?
What is your favorite slogan?
All that glitters is not gold.
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite candy?
Sour straws.
What is your favorite mistake?
Soft focus.
What is a rule that should never be broken?
Don’t chew with your mouth open.
What is a rule that should always be broken?
Anything that gets in the way of guerrilla filmmaking.
What should we be reading?
Amusing Ourselves to Death - Niel Postman. Articulates the dangers of our culture's obsession with having to be entertained and how it was formed.
What is your perfect meal?
Soup or pasta.
What takes you to cloud 9?
A great book.
Do you have a soundtrack to your life?
I love the song O-o-h Child by Five Stairsteps.
Where would you find your doppelgänger?
Probably somewhere in Italy.
What is dear to your heart?
My family.
What do you find most exciting in contemporary culture?
What is most difficult to find in contemporary culture?
How to encapsulate it.
What thoughts currently occupy you?
What was the first piece of cultural work that really mattered to you?
Stephen Shore’s photography.
What do you still wish to learn?
A language.
What is still a mystery?
Other people’s minds.
Where is happiness found?
In a tree.
What makes you feel nostalgic?
What do you find humorous?
My cousins and friends.
What should we listen to?
One Click podcast.
What does progression mean to you?
What was your last download?
Molly Shannons audiobook.
What is the best cult classic?
American Gigolo.
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Unfortunately, I look at my phone. Then I’ll make a cup of tea and play wordle - which is one of my favorite parts of the day.
What is the last thing you do at night?
I usually fall asleep to a movie or tv. I wish I read more.