ELEONORE CONDO is wearing the Romy no.004. She is a writer and actress living in New York City.
What do you treasure most in your neighborhood or city?
Going to see a play alone and then calling a friend who saw it last week to discuss while walking to the subway. Feeding the birds in Central Park.
Do you have a soundtrack to your life?
It would be so cool for me to say “Lou Reed” or something like that but in reality it’s show-Tunes.
What is still a mystery?
Have we figured out who framed Roger Rabbit? That looms large…
What do you look forward to?
Meeting up with a friend for lunch, walking around and going into a bunch of shops and then realize it’s getting late and you’re hungry again so you go and grab dinner and then realizing that a movie you both wanted to see is playing nearby so you go see it and then you leave the theater chatting about the film and you consider whether or not to get one last drink and maybe you do and maybe you don’t but either way you had so much fun.
What takes you to cloud 9?
Laughing uncontrollably with my sister. Being in love!
What is in your house?
My cat and my fiancé, Aaron.
What did you have for Breakfast?
Today? Black coffee. But I love to have a piece of toast with butter and homemade jam.
Can you recall a dream?
I remember most of my dreams. Most of them are completely demented and not meant for mass-retellings.
What is your first memory?
I remember the day my sister came home from the hospital. I threw up all over the place before she came but once she did, I couldn’t wait to hold her.
What is good design?
The little tray that comes in Maille cornichons jars that lifts the pickles out of the brine.
What should we be reading?
Oof! I’m really on a Steinbeck kick right now but Shirley Jackson is my all time favorite. Middlemarch gave me the escapism I was needing at the beginning of the pandemic. Passing by Nella Larsen. Plays—plays are perfect for reading in the bath—anything by Annie Baker, Adrienne Kennedy, Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins, also Deathtrap by Ira Levin is SO much fun. More novels, The Dud Avocado! The Secret History! Anna Karenina for god’s sake! There are so many —email me.
What is dear to your heart?
My sister, mom, dad, Aaron, cat, friends — all the usual suspects.
What is your perfect meal?
The crudités basket from La Chaumiere, Zuni Cafe’s roast chicken, lots of seasonal fruit and fresh whipped cream. OR an everything bagel with cream cheese and a black coffee from Absolute Bagels.
What is most difficult to find in contemporary culture?
Funding for the arts.
What do you find most exciting in contemporary culture?
The arts!
The best arthouse film(s)?
I appreciate that parenthetical “s” since there’d be no way for me to whittle it down to one. Babette’s Feast, Tampopo, Holy Motors, Moonlight, Rosemary’s Baby, Burning, The Florida Project, After Hours.
What was your last download?
The Craigslist app.
What do you still wish to learn?
How to speak French and Italian very well and how to beat Aaron at chess—I hate losing.
What do you find humorous?
Niles Crane.
What stands the test of time?
Love for one another, caring for your community, making sure the people you know and the people you don’t know have what they need to live happy lives.