BATHSHEVA HAY is wearing the Antonietta no.002. She is a designer living in New York City.
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
My husband wakes me up with coffee every morning and I drink it while I scroll through emails, Instagram and the NYTimes, in that order. All in bed. Then I wake my kids up.
What is the last thing you do at night?
I do some little weight exercises strangely right before bed. I have been doing them since I was in high school. 67 reps each of some little arm things. Then I brush my teeth and get in bed. I realize how OCD that sounds.
Can you share some daily habits or rituals?
I eat nuts and chocolate every day. Hazelnuts and cashews. I also love those Chowards Violet Mints, you can get them from my neighborhood pharmacy, Thomas Drugs. I drink a lot of coffee, with regular milk. I try to walk to and from my office which gets me to about 10,000 steps.
What should we be reading?
The New Yorker, duh.
What do you collect?
Vintage clothing, it goes without saying: mostly girly things like old Cacharel.
The best arthouse film(s)?
I don't watch a lot of films nowadays but I have been watching Charlie Chaplin with my kids.
What stands the test of time?
Any old photograph. I love going to those stands at the flea market where they sell random junk photos that are anonymous and literally all of the pictures are incredible. Old photos just look amazing. It's the color, the clothes, the background-- everything.
What is your perfect meal?
French fries, cheese plate and martini with olives-- total girl dinner.
Where would you find your doppelgänger?
Probably in Brooklyn, but I never go to Brooklyn.
What is good design?
You know it when you see it, usually in person, or in an old book.
Where do you find good design?
There is nothing better than a good flea market find, but you can probably also find it on the Real Real.
What are you wearing?
Two skirts-- one worn as a top and one worn as an actual skirt.
What is dear to your heart?
My husband Alexei made a book of photos he took of me while we were dating. It makes me very sentimental.
What is most difficult to find in contemporary culture?
Good handwriting
What do you find most exciting in contemporary culture?
What is your favorite candy?
Chowards's Violet Mints!
What do you still wish to learn?
How to drive! I really want to actually.
Where is happiness found?
Experimenting with stuff you like with people you love.
What makes you feel nostalgic?
Choward's Violet Mints!
What is your first memory?
It involved Laura Ashley bedsheets.
What do you look forward to?
Learning to do something new with my hands, like crochet or playing guitar.
What are you bored by?
Anything too expensive. I don't trust it.