ARDEN WOHL is wearing the Polly No.001. She is an artist, designer, wife and mother living in New York City.
What is a rule that should never be broken?
Don’t tell a secret you promised to keep - don’t cancel at the last minute…
What is a rule that should always be broken?
Talking in class.
What stands the test of time?
Henry Moore (is that far back enough?).
What takes you to cloud 9?
Who are your inspirations?
My friends.
What is dear to your heart?
My friends!! Sticking with plans…
The best arthouse film(s)?
Anything Luis Buñuel !! We are big into Buñuel in our house: Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Exterminating Angel…my husband found a great website called that has little kid t-shirts of just about any band or film (really just about anything) so our son, Roman, has a lot of shirts with Buñuel films on the front.
What is your favorite candy?
Violet candies my grandmother used to have… the little white ones with the dried Violet flower inside.
What should we be reading?
Stephanie La Cava’s new book “I Fear My Pain Interests You”.
What do you collect?
Crystals, friends, Duro Olowu dresses, water glasses and headbands.
Where would you find your doppelgänger?
Oh gosh I don’t even want to say … I know the place - but it’s way too embarrassing…
What does your house smell like?
What does your house sound like?
Connan Mockasin, Spacemen 3, MGMT, Fiery Furnaces, Nina Simone, Funkadelic, Miles Davis, Betty Davis, Chopin.
What did you have for breakfast?
Matcha with MCT oil, oat milk, maple syrup, vanilla.
What is most difficult to find in contemporary culture?
… perhaps time to be non reliant on our phones - - our collective memory - it’s all outsourced to the phone and google… people who aren’t exclusively driven by money.
What do you find most exciting in contemporary culture?
How it all just repeats - how one can make connections to culture that existed when one was a child and only peripherally aware of at the time … how you can project current issues onto then and now… try to understand how things were perceived and how human beings are so quick to adapt and normalize…
What thoughts currently occupy you?
What is your favorite animal?
Nudibranchs! For sure!
What is modern?
What do you still wish to learn?
What is still a mystery?
- the solar system and the far away galaxies -
Where is happiness found?
Music! Food! Daylight!
What makes you feel nostalgic?
Everything!!! Music and olfactory senses.
What do you find humorous?
It’s always sunny in Philadelphia, Curb your enthusiasm…
What is your favorite slogan?
A lot of things. I laugh all the time sometimes for no reason.
What is your favorite slogan?
I say “Well…” a lot.
Can you recall a dream?
Yes I write my dreams down every night - I have a constant dream about an apartment I have never been to in real life … I wonder if I will meet it one day or what it is - I hope it’s not some weird person casting demonic spells to me at night…
What is a distraction?
Everything and nothing … wishing for more.
What should we listen to?
Connan Mockasin.
What does progression mean to you?
What was your last download?
My dream last night.
What is your favorite mistake?
I don’t have the foresight yet to realize - or perhaps I didn’t make it yet? I know what my least favorite was!
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
Check on my son Roman - drink lemon water!
What is the last thing you do at night?
Spray my pillow with immortelle oil mixed with water.
Any last words?
I love the show Atlanta created by Donald Glover/Childish Gambino - he went to my college.